Focus Groups

Focus groups bring together individuals who share a common interest or characteristic. In this interactive setting, the moderator facilitates discussion among participants to gather information about specific issues. To be most effective, a number of focus groups, composed of participants with similar interests, are conducted in order to identify trends and patterns in perceptions.

Praxis designs, recruits for, records, and moderates dynamic and innovative focus groups to assist its clients in scoping issues and exploring key concerns. We also analyze participants’ input and report the findings in a form that best meets the client’s needs.


Often, when conducting focus groups or meetings it is important to know how individual participants feel about a particular issue or topic.  Typically, the facilitator would ask for a show of hands; however, if participants feel uncomfortable in publicly revealing their views they tend to follow the majority, or even a vocal minority.  As a result, Praxis facilitators have found that the ensuing discussion is biased.

OptionPower is a hand held devise that allows participants to submit responses to focus group questions anonymously. Responses are tabulated immediately and group results are presented on an overhead screen. Using OptionPower to gather group input has numerous benefits including providing a solution to group response bias, anonymity, higher participation rates, speed, and more effective reporting of a participant’s opinion.

Featured Project

AADAC: Alberta Youth Experience Survey

Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) retained Praxis to conduct a benchmark study of adolescent behaviours in Alberta regarding alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling. Praxis worked with AADAC to develop the Alberta Youth Experience Survey, which will also be used in the future to obtain current, relevant…